Saturday, January 12, 2013


believe in everything of what you're doing, LOVE every steps you're taking to stand head and shoulders above, DON'T look back once you'd half away behind and most of it, remember that Allah has always with us no matter how hard you keep denying it..

its never too late to start to believe and LOVE the things you are about to change.
life begins at 30 (some might add) but would you believe in that?
why should us wait till our age reached 30 and began to experience a TRUE life afterwards and disgrace everything we had had 29 years back then just to be with our 30's?
that would be sucks!.. i mean seriously, no matter how bad or good times lingered after you, literally that is LIFE and believe or not, we utterly gonna missed those "weirdo, enjoyable, immature" moments as time flies.

time keeps on ticking...