Sunday, February 12, 2012



it's been awhile i haven't updated my blog (not to mention, i have no reason to upgrade it since no one would read it) so i decided to make it as a diary thou. SO i would like to express my gratitude and love towards all of those who have been following my blog,

(ok,only 26 followers) ok whatt??

last Saturday which was on February 5th, my Dad, Mom and I were visiting Singapore for wedding ceremony's invitation. it was exciting to be in the Country for the 3rd time as the previous times we were celebrating Hari raya in my aunt's house. i love the country, well the atmosphere seems so cool with every beautiful tallest buildings side by side, and not even a single waste found on the ground! how clean is that ??!! that's the best description I'd say on that lil a matter of fact,that country is on the other land out of Malaysia, well That excites,back to where i was.. we decided to leave house early in the morning (frighten of a massive traffic jam, really) and ...

xyah la speakin...
k, dlm pkul 8.30 pg kami tiba di imegresen sgapore.. k, ni part yg leceh skali sbb klo nak p sane kene lalu imegresen (of kos!!) kat situ la pasport, borang keluar masuk negera org sume nak kene semak.. nak dipendekkan crite, autopass (kire smartcard keluar masok sPore) kami da expired n needs to be updated. ayah aku ni plak x brape no kompiden nk negotiate ngn pengurusan imegresen. so anak die la yg membranikan diri utk m'update kan autopass utk digunakan bile nak blk mlysia.. (walaopon ati berdobar2 x tau nak wat pe) ak tros bertanye kakak (kerrr????) yg sodap tercongang mengunyah junk food. she's messy and she's a staff! really??

"erk kak, tumpang tanye mcmne nak update autopass?" tanye aku berbahasa melayu..HELOO die org melayu jugak..cume LAHIR je kat martabat bhs melayu ok!
"mane roadtax dik oiii?? akak nk tgk roadtax dulu !!!" sambil muke mencebik mcm nak beranak..

ko x sentap ke bile dgr??

aku tahu kamu penat utk bekerja, tp begini ke carenye menyambut tetamu dari negara lain? FUCK YOU FATSO WOMAN..

pagi2 lg da buat mood aku jadi sesial alam.ok, hanye kerane die sorg, tercalar maruah warge singa. ak mulai assume, warge SINGA KEREK!!..mmg belagak..

aku bertahan...astaghfirullah...;)

kire2 ak sampai singa, rumah mok cik ak kol 9 pg la..kami x tahu lokasi kenduri kawen tu, jd dgn menjmpot mak cik n pok cik ak sekali, memudahkan tugas mncari. kol 10 da pon sampai lokasi.

ak n family masok kedalam..rupe-rupenya majlis dibuat dalam dewan..ala, dewan mcm dewan balai raye tu.hahaha,..(ishk x baik)..tapi semart la design and susun atur die. x silap die ada habaq majlis direka khas oleh it was nice.

ok ni part pling BITCHY sekali. secare logikanye, aku, mak n abah adalah org asing disitu(yela, org mlysia) actually ramai lagi relative drg coming all the way from malaysia, cume drg dikenali sbb relative rapat. ok, nak cite ak xde kene mngene ngan kenduri ni. but yes, mak cik ak ade kene mengene sebb husband die(pok cik aku) adalah sepupu kpd keluarga tu. so, my mom insisted to attend the invitation, sbb nak kenang budi, sbb satu2 nye yg kenal mak ak adalah nenek kepada keluarge itu..jadi mak aku pegi sbb nk tunaikan jemputan nenek tu...

pe bende ak cite ni...???

haha, arap paham..(ala, xde org bace pon..ko je pasan)

ko dapat bayangkan x, mcmne isolatednye aku,mak and abah aku??? ak n abah ak x kesah sgtla sbb kaum laki2 x yah nak taching2.. yg sodihnye mak ak.. 1 meje ak dudok 5 org. (aku, mak,abah,pokcik,mokcik) + adik pokcik aku.(singa juge). jadi bile2 kenalan mak cik aku yg top ni nak bersalaman, drg salam dgn mok cik aku n adik ipor die jek..mak aku? sume xnak tegor..tego tu x pela, xkenalkan..yg ak tekilan, salam+pandang pon xnak... salam ikot negare ni.. hurmmm

tapi sebagai anak bangse minda kelas pertama, ak perlu atasi sikap negatif jaoh2.. lame aku pikir tntg sikap mereka..mungkin x semua mengabaikan adab dan santun..sbb 98% mengabaikannye.. mungkin bukan tradisi mereka untk beramah mesra dgn org yg x dikenali. org kate, xkenal make x cinte..jadi, ak x nak buat andaian yg berbagai2 sbb takot jatoh memfitnah. apa2 pon semoga ak mndapat iktibar drp perbuatan mereka...

i was freaking pissed on that day, i swear i would never attend such HIGHLY arrogant event like theirs. i didn't had a chance to try out their tonne dishes, but their attitude did filled my empty belly.

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